(missing) |
(partially missing) (noted as the second HHHHH) |
(missing) |
(missing) |
(missing) |
(missing) |
(missing) (button has no event name) |
"I Made Rallye History" (#7) (missing) (this is the one ODHDC that was run on a bus) |
"Concours de Garb-age" (#8) (missing) |
"Just Plain Bull" (#9) (missing) |
"La Ville Vieux" (printed as HHHHH 10) |
(missing) |
"The Gold Rush" (#11) ** (missing) |
"S O B" (#12) (missing) by John Smiskol |
"Fantastique"**(partially missing) by Warren Harder and Rich Carroll |
"Precz ze Sciany" "The Shi (partially missing) by Rich Carroll and Paul Brian |
"Gotcha"**(missing) |
"O'Leary Incident" ** (missing) by Glenn Grossklags, Vergin Hancher, Kenny Lester |
(missing) (button has no event name) ** by Rich Carroll, John Baily, Steve and Edris Hoover |
"Tricky Dick's Shaft" (partly missing) by Warren Harder and Mike Fernandez |
"Irresponsible Rich's Recycled Reck" (#19) by Paul Brian and Rich Carroll |
"Railroad" by John Smiskol |
"Happy Holiday Hangover Hassel" |
"CTA" by Pat Thoma and Alden Wells |
Papiez Jest Polski? (Is the Pope Polish?) (the year of the nested envelopes) (missing) by Rich Carroll, John Prendergast, Larry and Mike O'Connor) |
"Leap to Confusion" ? (partly missing) by Wayne Bell and Ralph Brooks |
(missing) |
(missing) |
(missing) |
(Post Offices)(Missing) by Pete Matuszak |
"Colleges" by Andy and Stacy Kowalczyk (Stacy was Stacy Onofree at the time) Andy mentions, as an homage to Pete Matuszak, a cancelled stamp from 1/1/85 (available as the O'Hare postal desk was open.) |
(missing) by Nevin Liber, et. al. |
(missing) |
"Who Knew There Would Be Posterity?" (missing) by Paul Brian and Rich Carroll |
"A Monumental Event" |
"Be True to Your School" by Glenn and Barb Grossklags |
"Ci' Vediamo Dopo, Coccodrillo" by Paul Brian |
"Murphy's Golden Rule" by John Prendergast, Larry O'Connor and Mike O'Connor |
"Trust Me"" by Paul Brian and Jim McNicholas |
(missing) |
"The Hog Butcher to the World" by Larry Claypool |
"Bridges" by John Prendergast |
"Right Up Your Alley" by Glenn and Barb Grossklags |
"Show Biz" or "Popcorn Palaces Revisited" (#42) |
"Hotels" by John Prendergast |
"It's The End of the World As We Know It, and We Feel Fine!" by Fred Egloff |
"Crime Scene" by Glenn and Barb Grossklags |
"ARKYTEKY " by Sherry and Fred Egloff |
"Terra Cotta (over Terra Firma)" by John Prendergast |
"Car Wash" by Dom Perino and Rich Carroll |
"25th Anniversary of the Blues Brothers Movie" by Jim Jurik, Matt Jurik, Zeke Dreznes, and Jack Dreznes |
"Memoirs of a Bohemian Undertaker" or "Hot Dog" by Paul Brian and Rich Carroll |
"Houses of Worship" by Rich Cwik, Cherrie Pacque, Bob and Sue Herzog |
"Honorary Mention" by Rich Carroll |
"Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign" by Larry Claypool |
"Hidden in the Heart of Chicago" by Kaiser George |
"2011" (missing) by Steve Givot |
<> "Short Streets" by John Prendergast |
"City of Big Readers" (#58) by Katy Prendergast, Michelle O'Connor, Suzy Smyth |
"Life's A Beach" by Bob Ward |
Made In Chicago by Katy Prendergast, Michelle O'Connor, Christy O'Connor, Suzy Smyth |
“Selfies and other Treasures” by Paul Brian and Rich Carroll |
"Street Cred." by George Norkus, Joe Dikins, and Scott Steck |
"T.B.D." by Mike and Jennifer Phelan |
"Robots, Cheese, Public Art, Puppies, and more" by Katy Prendergast, Michelle O'Connor, Christy O'Connor, Suzy Smyth |
"T.B.D." by Mike and Jennifer Phelan |
"Che-cau-gou Native American Style" |
"DIVVY Up" by Mike and Joan O'Connor |
"Urbs in Horto" By Kevin, Susie, and Devin |
"T.B.D." by Joyce Franklin, Deb Briars, and Martha Wiczek |